If you are at this particular page, you are looking into what happened to Dan Hoffman, The Hoffman Law Office, LLC, or the former website of VINELANDLAW.COM. As stated above, Dan passed away on June 23, 2017. The Hoffman Law Office, LLC effectively ceased full operation on or about August 2015, when, under their corporate agreement, Dan and Mike went their separate ways, and Dan decided to close down the process. As a result, a Trustee was named for the benefit of the clients. His contact information is listed below.
By Court Order, and continuing Court Order after his death, Gerald Batt, Esq. was and is the Trustee for the interests of the Clients of Daniel C. Hoffman, Esq. and The Hoffman Law Office, LLC. If you are, or were a client of Dan's or of the LLC, and you have yet to had contact with him, or you have reason to have contact with him, his information is as follows:
Gerald Batt, Esq. C/O
Lipman, Antonelli, Batt, Gilson, Rothman and Capasso
110 S. 6th St.
Vineland, NJ 08360
Phone - 856-692-8000
Fax - (856) 690-0542
email - gbatt@lipmanlaw.com
After (and for a time before) Dan's death, Mr. Batt, as Trustee, has been charged with distributing and effectuating the transfer of all cases from the former firm. If you are one of these clients, while Mr. Batt represents your interests and can help you transfer the cases, you should be in contact with Dan's Estate, to discuss the terms and conditions of those transfers. The estate may be contacted through the executrix and sole beneficiary of Dan's Estate, his widow, Ruth Hoffman. Her contact information is as follows, and will be maintained as long as this is live on this site:
Ruth Hoffman, Executrix for
Estate of Daniel C. Hoffman, Esq.
PO Box 1106
Vineland, NJ 08362
Phone - (856)696-2100
Fax - (856)794-8480
e-mail - HLOLegacy@gmail.com
As part and parcel of Ruth Hoffman selling the physical office at 713 Landis Ave in Vineland, the closed files of Daniel C. Hoffman have been scheduled for destruction. If you are now, or were previously, a client of this office and wish to obtain your records prior to their destruction under Ruth's Records' management plan, please contact her at the information above at your first opportunity.
If you are a Court, a process server, a defendant, a well-wisher or merely just wish to find out information not obtained here, please feel free to contact Gerald Batt, at his information above, Ruth Hoffman, at her information above, or feel free to fill out the form below, and I will refer your question and contact information to the proper party.
If you have something confrontational, insulting, belittling, uncomfortable or otherwise negative to say about Daniel C. Hoffman, please take the opportunity to say those things elsewhere, in some other forum to someone other than Michael A. Hoffman, Esq. Dan and I practiced together for 15 years. He was my father, my mentor and one of my closest confidants and friends. I am taking stewardship here to help ease the suffering for my mother, but I have no role in the process and I have no responsibility for the outcome. As such, I appreciate your consideration in keeping your complaints to people in a position to effectively remedy them. I am in no such position.
If you have the need to contact us, please use the form here, if the e-mail, phone or fax link's above are insufficient.